Wednesday, October 19, 2005

emergent conversations

TallSkinnyKiwi offers this formula for emergent conversation gatherings:
- It was FREE.
- It took place in kitchens, and i love kitchens.
- Shared accommodation was encouraged and reasonably priced.
- The schedule emerged organically to fit the needs of the participants.
- It had a tribal feel - elders were honored and children were included as equals.
- Nothing took place on a stage.
- There were no key-note speakers. In fact, there were no speakers at all on the promotional material which means that people came to connect with God and each other rather to hear an important man speak from a stage.
- Cooking, food shopping and cleaning duties were handled by everyone. We all put money in the pot for communal food experiences.
- The final worship experience happened outdoors and was lo-tech.
- There were no candles.
- I repeat . . . there were no candles. Anywhere. For the whole gathering. Serious!
- There was freedom to add or take away from the schedule.
- They let our family throw a pizza party for 100 people.
- Lots of bloggers were there.
btw... the blogger spell checker thinks tallskinnykiwi should be replaced with "telekinesis". It's a thought...


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